I. What is Gender and Development (GAD)?
Gender and Development (GAD) – refers to the development perspective and process that is participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self-determination, and actualization of human potentials. It seeks to achieve gender equality as a fundamental value that should be reflected in development choices and contends that women are active agents of development, not just passive recipients of development;
II. How Gender and Development Started?
Gender and Development was developed in the 1980’s as an alternative to the Women in Development (WID) approach.
Unlike WID, the GAD approach is not concerned specifically with women, but with the way in which a society assigns roles, responsibilities, and expectations to both men and women.
GAD applies gender analysis to uncover the ways in which men and women work together, presenting results in neutral terms of economics and competence.
GAD focus primarily on two major frameworks, Gender Roles and Social Relations Analysis. Gender role focus on social construction of identities within the household, it also reveals the expectations from ‘maleness and femaleness’ in their relative access to resources. Social relations analysis exposes the social dimensions of hierarchical power relations imbedded in social institutions; also it’s determining influence on ‘the relative position of men and women in society. In an attempt to create gender equality, (denoting women having same opportunities as men, including ability to participate in the public sphere) GAD policies aim to redefine traditional gender role expectations.
III. Composition of Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System and their Function and Responsibilities
Stella M. Gonzales, MPS – General Manager – Chairperson
Jemima A. Chua – Alternate Chairperson
Executive Committee:
Wilesper Lisandro M. Alqueza – Member
Ramil A. Condez – Member
Myrna R. Victoria – Member
Lalaine A. Witara – Member
Elben S. Daquipa – Member
Technical Working Group:
Wilesper Lisandro M.Alqueza – Chairman
Canuto A . Codilla, Jr. – Member
Elsie N. Guilaran – Member
Kelvin E. Rupisan – Member
Charie Jasmin N. Varona – Member
Raffy G. Mantabote – Member
Karla Abigail C. Dorado – Member
Charlie P. Lumagod – Member
Junvalh B. Arenal – Member
Joan C. Nodalo – Executive Assistant I
Brendanil P. Magnaye – Executive Assistant 2
Justine Joy D. Aguilar – Secretary
The GFPS shall perform the following functions:
A. Lead in mainstreaming gender perspective in agency/department policies, plans and programs. In the process. they shall ensure the assessment of the gender- responsiveness of systems, structures. policies, programs, processes and procedures of the agency based on the priority needs and concerns of constituencies and employees and the formulation of recommendation including their implementation;
B. Assist in the formulation of new policies such as the GAD Code in advancing women’s status such as in the case of LGUs;
C. Lead in setting up appropriate systems and mechanisms to ensure the generation. processing, review, and updating of sex-disaggregated data or GAD database to serve as basis in performance-based gender responsive planning;
D. Coordinate efforts of different divisions. offices, units of the agency and advocate for the integration of GAD perspective in all their systems and processes;
E. Spearhead the preparation of the agency annual performance-based GAD Plans, Programs and Budget in response to gender issues of their constituencies and clients in the context of their agency mandate, and consolidate the same following the format and procedure prescribed by the PCW, DBM and NEDA in the Joint Circular 2012-1. The GFPS shall likewise be responsible for submitting the consolidated GAD Plans and Budgets of the department/agency, and as needed, in responding to PCW’s comments or requests for additional information;
F. Lead in monitoring and effective implementation of GAD-related policies and the annual GAD Plans, Programs and Budget;
G. Lead the preparation and consolidation of the annual agency GAD Accomplishment Report and other GAD Reports that maybe required under the Magna Carta for Women (MCW);
H. Strengthen the external link with other agencies or organizations working on Women’s rights and gender and development to harmonize and synchronize GAD efforts at various levels of governance;
I. Promote and actively pursue the participation of women and gender advocates, other civil society groups and private organizations in the various stages of the development planning cycle, giving special attention to the marginalized sectors; and
J. Ensure that all personnel of the agency including finance officers (e.g. accountant, budget officer. auditors) are capacitated on GAD. Along this line, the GFPS will recommend and plan an appropriate capacity development program on gender and development for its employees as part of an implemented under its regular human resource development program.
A. The GFPS Chairperson or Head of Agency shall:
1. Issue policies or other directives that support GAD mainstreaming in the policies, plans, programs, projects and activities, budget, systems and procedures of the agency including the creation, strengthening. modification or reconstitution of the GFPS; and
2. Approve GAD Plan, Program and Budget of the agency as duly endorsed by the Executive Committee, with the assistance of the Technical Working Group, and ensure its implementation.
B. The Executive Committee shall:
1. Provide direction and give policy advice to the Agency Head to support and strengthen the GFPS and agency’s GAD mainstreaming activities;
2. Direct the identification of GAD strategies, programs, activities and projects based on the results of the gender audit, gender analysis and according to the identified priorities of the agency in response to the gender issues faced by its clients and employees.
3. Ensure the timely submission of the agency GAD Plan and Budget, Accomplishment Report and other GAD-related reports to the PCW and to DBM;
4. Ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the agency GAD programs, activities and projects and the judicious utilization of the GAD Budget;
5. Build and strengthen the partnership of the agency with PCW, GAD experts, advocates, women’s groups and other stakeholders in pursuit of gender mainstreaming;
6. Recommend approval of agency GAD Plans and Budgets and GAD ARs; and
7. Recommend awards or recognition to outstanding institutional GAD Programs, activities and projects and/or GAD FP members.
C. The Technical Working Group (TWG) or Secretariat shall:
1. Facilitate the implementation of the gender mainstreaming efforts of the agency through the GAD planning and budgeting process;
2. Formulate agency GAD Plans, Programs and Budget in response to the gender gaps and issues faced by their clients and constituencies, women and men employees, following the conduct of a gender audit, gender analysis, and/ or review of sex-disaggregated data;
3. Assist in the capacity development of and provide technical assistance to the agency and as needed, to officers in the offices or units. In this regard, the TWG shall work with the human resource development program on gender equality and women’s empowerment for its employees and as requested or deemed necessary, tor other offices under the Department of Agency, as the case may be;
4. Coordinate with the various units of the agency including its regional and attached agencies and ensure their meaningful participation in GAD strategic and annual planning exercises. The TWG of the GFPS or the central agency shall coordinate with the GFPS of its attached agencies, bureaus, and regional office especially on the preparation, consolidation and submission of GAD Plans and Budgets;
5. Lead the conduct of advocacy activities and the development of IEC materials to ensure critical support of agency officials, staff. and relevant stakeholders to the activities of the GAD Focal Point System and GAD mainstreaming activities.
6. Monitor the implementation of GAD-related programs, activities and projects in their respective offices and suggest corrective measures to improve implementation of GAD PAP and GFPS activities;
7. Prepare and consolidate agency GAD accomplishment reports; and
8. Provide regular updates and recommendations to the head of agency or ExeCom on the activities of the GFPS and the progress of agency GAD mainstreaming activities based on the feedback and reports of the various units of the agency.
Under PCW MC 201 1-11, item 4, letter 4.3 states that – The tasks and functions of the members of the GFPS shall form part of their regular key result areas and work plans and shall be given due consideration during performance evaluation.